Ritual Art – A Way of Christian Mysticism

About myself

Mysticism is the topic of my life. I studied reformed theology in Bern, Zurich and Munich, explored the Gospel of John and as a research fellow at the NCC in Kyoto, Japan, the Japanese Zen Buddhism. After getting my THD I was a professor in New Testament Studies and Greek in Lima, Peru. I integrated this rich experience when I founded Ritual Art in 1996.


Ritual Art is a way to acknowledge and stand up for Christian mysticism. It is based on the fragility of our existence and reveals the mystery in this world, yet not of this world: the mystery of presence, which is more internal to us than we to ourselves. It is non-violent yet powerful, it perceives and forms reality as it is and in the face of guilt, suffering and impermanence it gives sovereignty, compassion and joy.

A way to realize Christian mysticism

the mystery of presence that is
more interior than I am to myself.